OCBC Bank pays a 5.7% dividend yield – Better buy than DBS or UOB Bank after buying Great Eastern? Will I buy more bank stocks in 2024?
By Financial Horse  •  May 25, 2024
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about OCBC Bank recently. After the big rally in DBS Bank shares of late (that makes OCBC comparatively “cheaper” by comparison). And the news that OCBC Bank is buying a 100% stake in Great Eastern. A lot of you have asked for my views on OCBC Bank, and whether it is a good buy. So… that’s exactly what we’ll do today. OCBC Bank trades at a 5.7% dividend yield, and 1.22x book value. Is it a better buy than DBS or UOB Bank? High level valuations of OCBC Bank vs DBS Bank and UOB Bank I’ve summarised the key statistics of all 3 local banks below. OCBC Bank is somewhere in the middle. Better than UOB Bank in ROE and market cap. But worse then DBS Bank both ROE and market cap. That said at a price to book of 1.22x, it looks a lot more reasonably priced than DBS Bank (1.70x)....
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By Financial Horse
Financial Horse was founded with a simple goal – To provide high quality financial commentary, in plain English. He is a firm believer in Einstein’s quote that “If you can’t explain it to six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Too much of finance is shrouded in complex jargon, and Financial Horse aims to demystify financial investments.

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One response to “OCBC Bank pays a 5.7% dividend yield – Better buy than DBS or UOB Bank after buying Great Eastern? Will I buy more bank stocks in 2024?”

  1. Df says:

    How u derive 1.70x pb ratio for dbs?

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