SBJUL24 GX24070S is 3.3%
By My Sweet Retirement  •  June 4, 2024
The effective interest rate for Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) July 2024 (SBJUL24 GX24070S) is 3.30% if you held it for 10 years. This was a slight decline by 0.03% as compared to the previous month. In May, SBJUN24 GX24060A was over-subscribed by yield hunters. $1.6 billion worth of applications were received out of the total $1 billion available. If you have read my previous post on retiring early, Singapore Savings Bonds can be a great way to build up monthly passive income. To mitigate against longevity and inflation, we need to build multiple sources of passive income that will last during our retirement years. As we get older, we should consider opting for less risky investments because there is very little leeway for us to earn back the capital if we make any mistakes in our investments. Singapore Savings Bonds is near to zero risks.
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By My Sweet Retirement
I am a working salaried professional in my mid 30s. Just like most Singaporeans, I worked long office working hours, often trying very hard to find some work life balance. The Sweet Retirement Blog was created to share my journey towards achieving a comfortable retirement life. I believe we cannot simply rely solely on our Central Provident Fund savings when reaching old age. Neither can we rely solely on our bank savings as we all know the interest rates cannot beat inflation.

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