E2 Visa in Singapore: Essential Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
By - Your Salary in Singapore  •  June 16, 2024
The E2 visa, designed for treaty investors, is a valuable pathway for foreign entrepreneurs seeking to invest in and operate a business in the United States. Although Singapore is one of the countries whose nationals are eligible for the E2 visa, navigating the application process can be complex. Here are some essential tips to help Singaporean investors successfully secure an E2 visa.
  1. Understand the Basic Requirements
To qualify for an E2 visa, the applicant must meet several key criteria:
  • Nationality: The investor must be a national of a country with which the U.S. maintains a treaty of commerce and navigation, such as Singapore.
  • Substantial Investment: The investor must make a substantial investment in a bona fide enterprise in the United States.
  • Control and Operation: The investor must have control over the enterprise and be seeking to develop and direct the business.
  • Real and Active Commercial Enterprise: The business must be a real, active commercial or entrepreneurial undertaking, producing goods or services for profit.
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