Weekly Recap: What easing inflation means for the T-bill
By Beansprout  •  June 16, 2024

Inflation still seems to be at the back of many of our minds. 

My ex-colleague shared that the Old Chang Kee at Suntec City was closing down, and reminisced that it was one of our favourite tea break spots in the past.  This led another friend to chime in that with many things becoming more expensive, it’s not surprising that there also appears to be fewer tourists compared to earlier this year.  Hence, the moderation in US inflation after it has stayed persistently high may provide some relief.  With bond yields coming down, we share what this may mean for the upcoming 6-month Singapore T-bill auction on 20 June.  We also take a deep dive into Keppel Infrastructure Trust to find out if its infrastructure assets can offer a good dividend yield that can outpace inflation.  Gerald, Founder of Beansprout

⏰ This week in markets

Source: Bloomberg. Price as...
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By Beansprout
Hi, I’m Gerald! I have been working in investment analysis for more than 12 years. Often, I encounter everyday investors who find it difficult to invest. At Beansprout, we believe that with the right tools and knowledge, everyone can be an investor. Hence, we founded Beansprout to make quality investment insights more accessible. We hope that you can join us on this journey to grow your financial knowledge and confidence as an investor.

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