Side Hustles and Investing: Key Strategies to Save $100K by 30
By Kelvin Learns Investing  •  June 17, 2024 Want to save $100K by the age of 30? In this video, we discuss the importance of financial discipline, avoiding lifestyle inflation, and the next steps to increasing your income. According to an OCBC survey, 66% of Singaporeans in their twenties have a side hustle. Explore various side jobs such as video editing, designing, tuition teaching, translating, and e-commerce to boost your income. Additionally, learn how to invest your money early to develop crucial investment skills and manage market fluctuations. Watch till the end for valuable insights on achieving financial success!...
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By Kelvin Learns Investing
Hey! Kelvin here! I talk about money related stuff like investing, credit cards, how to save money to retire early!

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