Gro Capital Ease 3.38% p.a.
By My Sweet Retirement  •  June 22, 2024
NTUC Income Gro Capital Ease is a single premium insurance savings plan that gives you a lump sum payout with a guaranteed return of 3.38% per annum over 3 years. Based on 3.38% per annum, the guaranteed maturity benefit is 110.49% of the single premium after 3 years. Similar to past tranches, Gro Capital Ease is available on a limited tranche and first come, first served basis. What I like about NTUC Income Endowment Plans is that there are no hidden conditions such as having to sign up for eligible insurance plans in order to enjoy the guaranteed return of 3.38% per annum. Taking a single premium of $100,000 as an example, you will receive a total guaranteed maturity benefit of $110,487 upon maturity of the policy after 3 years. This is based on a guaranteed yield at maturity of 3.38% per annum. The benefits of NTUC Income Gro Capital Ease are:
  • Guaranteed maturity benefit of 110.49% of the single premium after 3 years.
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By My Sweet Retirement
I am a working salaried professional in my mid 30s. Just like most Singaporeans, I worked long office working hours, often trying very hard to find some work life balance. The Sweet Retirement Blog was created to share my journey towards achieving a comfortable retirement life. I believe we cannot simply rely solely on our Central Provident Fund savings when reaching old age. Neither can we rely solely on our bank savings as we all know the interest rates cannot beat inflation.

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