This Hasn’t Happened In The Singapore Property Market In 20 Years…
By Stacked Homes  •  June 23, 2024
Zero bids for a GLS site, I never thought I’d see the day. This GLS site at Upper Thomson, next to Springleaf MRT station, has attracted a record-breaking zero bids from developers. This is a 53,729 sqm site, with a gross plot ratio of 2.2 that is expected to yield around 540 new units. However, it comes with strings attached (which was probably also one of the dealbreakers): There must be a childcare facility (a minimum of 1,000 sqm must be reserved for this), and 4,700 sqm has to be set aside for SA2 apartments. SA2 units are a new, untried concept – these “long stay” serviced apartments have a minimum lease of three months, unlike the usual one week for serviced units. This is, incidentally, the first time in 20 years that a GLS site has found no takers; and it’s hot on the heels of the failed Marina Gardens Crescent site sale.  ...
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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