Shares & Derivatives
How this drink company’s stock grew 4,270% in five years
By The Fifth Person  •  June 28, 2024
A drink company up 4,270% in the last five years? This remarkable growth belongs to none other than Celsius Holdings, Inc., an increasingly prominent player in the functional beverage industry. Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Florida, Celsius is known for its flagship product line, CELSIUS. The company develops, processes, markets, distributes and sells uniquely flavoured drinks designed to boost metabolism, increase energy, and aid in fat burning, making them a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious customers. Surprised by its record-breaking first quarter sales this year, I delved into Celsius’ business strategies to understand how this company has managed to thrive in the competitive beverage industry and whether this success can remain sustainable. Here are the key takeaways from my research. The success behind Celsius The company offers a focused product line, such as Celsius and Celsius Essentials, distributed through various channels including retail stores and fitness centres. To increase product visibility, their...
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By The Fifth Person
The Fifth Person believes in spreading a message that financial literacy and sound investment knowledge can help people around the world achieve financial independence and lead better lives for themselves and their loved ones.

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