Rebalancing the portfolio
By Financial Adulting  •  June 28, 2024
Last month, I did in a couple days something which I’ve never ever done before since I started on my investing journey: I sold some shares! When I first began investing I wanted as much as possible to follow the age-old mantra of ‘my holding period is forever’. It’s been about 8 years since I bought my first stock (QAF, which I’m still holding on to btw), and I decided it was a good time to review my portfolio and make some strategic changes as it crosses the $300,000 milestone (another post to follow!) Selling? Selling!! I took a hard look at my portfolio and realised that there are a few long time losers which I’ve been holding on for perhaps a little too long. Some of them range between a 20-40% loss, and although the individual current value of those stocks don’t exceed $5,000, they haven’t been good investments in the sense that the unit prices have been steadily decreasing...
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By Financial Adulting
Ahh... adulting. Our next phase in life. As we grow older (and hopefully wiser), one of the things we all probably aspire to do is to retire early. What? You don't want to retire? That's okay, because I don't really want to retire as well. What I do want to do, is to be financially free enough to pursue what I want to do, when I want to

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