Challenges of Reits Heavy Weightage: Dismal 2% Net Worth Growth
By Invest For Yourself  •  June 30, 2024
After a 6 month efforts, I only have a 2% increase in net worth to show for at the end of June. This is disappointing if you consider that S&P is up 15%, Hang Seng Index is up 5% and even STI is up 3% and I have received 2.5% dividend yield over the same period. The main reason for the underwhelming performance is my heavy weightage of Reits in my portfolio and the lack of active income, thus I had to draw down on my savings for daily expenses. Using the Lion-Phil S-Reits ETF share price as a proxy, S-Reits is down about 12% for the last 6 months. If not for the dividends that I had received and the diversification that I had made into gold and overseas stocks in my portfolio, my return could very well be in the negative terrority. I hope the possible interest rate...
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By Invest For Yourself

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