Gone Fishing
By A Pen Quotes  •  June 30, 2024
I haven’t been writing much these days. My previous post was dated 27 April 2024. Family My family went to Taiwan (Taipei & Tai Chung) during the June school break. Hence, it was really 100% family time with my wife and kids. I managed to destress, took my mind off work for that period, and recharged. I also spent a lot less time on social media, WhatsApp messaging, and work emails. Guess it is just being present in the moment. My daughter loved the cutesy stationery and toys, while my son, wife, and I found the Nike shoes really cheap in Tai Chung and bought a pair each. I liked the balance of more laid-back suburb walks in Tai Chung and the city beats of Taipei. Putting my WISE card to good use. If you like to apply for one, please use my referral link to sign up for one. In a way, I have ‘gone fishing’....
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By A Pen Quotes
Hi, I am a typical guy born in 1976. You can call me ‘T’. Family: I have a lovely wife and 2 kids (a boy and a girl). To me, they are the best things that happened in my life. Work: I’m working full-time in the construction industry. Interests: I like to swim, draw and read up on financial articles. I have started a Youtube channel on sketches. Do check it out here.

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