Monthly Net-Worth Update — Jun 2024
By Life is a journey  •  June 30, 2024
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash
Dear Readers, Thank you for coming here! Past few weeks have been really crazy with work. I do hope this will generate some good results for my career. Here comes the snapshot of our Total Net-Worth for Jun 2024. Net-Worth increase from last month: +61K SGD, +1.43KG Gold The increase was mainly due to increase in property value and counting of two month of salary. The stock market is flat for me this month. In terms of Gold, the price has decreased by a few % which contributed to the increase.
Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash
Investment: -3.75% annualized return, incl. dividend The improvement in return is purely because we deployed a large amount of cash into the market in Jun. In terms of absolute loss, the number is still as big as last month. Till next time!...
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By Life is a journey
A white-collar and a father of 2, who would like to share his journey to Financial Freedom for both his own record keeping and hopefully inspiration for others on the same journey.

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