My Investment Portfolio – SG (End June 2024)
By My Investment Machine  •  June 30, 2024
Transactions: - Added 3,000 units of Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT) at $2.11 My first purchase with my money since March 2024. I had wanted to add either Ascendas Reit or MIT. In the end, I added on MIT as it got whacked down more compared to Ascendas Reit. I had purchased something as it has been several months since my last purchase and I wanted to deploy some of the dividends I had received in 2024. Also, my portfolio value has turned red which means it is time for me to buy too. I am tempted to sell my holdings in Singapore Technologies Engineering. But I am holding it off  for now since, I have no idea where else to deploy the sales proceeds to other than Reits. In the meantime, stay calm and invested, do not FOMO (referring to US market). Dividends received* during the month: $1561.53 (Mapletree Logistic Trust, Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust, Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust, Mapletree Industrial Trust, Singapore Technologies Engineering)...
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By My Investment Machine

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