Smart Reads of the Week: Microsoft & Apple, Sheng Siong and iFAST
By The Smart Investor  •  June 30, 2024
Confused over which technology giant you should purchase? This week, we compare the two trillion-dollar companies, Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) and Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), to help you arrive at a decision. Meanwhile, Sheng Siong (SGX: OV8) saw its share price skidding to a 52-week low recently. Does the retailer’s share price have what it takes to mount a robust recovery? Elsewhere, fintech group iFAST Corporation Limited’s (SGX: AIY) share price has been on a tear in the past year. Can the fast-growing company revisit its all-time high back in 2021? Here is a list of our top articles for this week.
  1. Apple vs Microsoft: Which Technology Stock Should You Buy?
We place two technology behemoths side by side to determine which makes the better investment.
  1. Sheng Siong’s Share Price is Languishing Near its 52-Week Low: Can the Retailer Find its Mojo Again?
Sheng Siong is seeing its share price languish near a 52-week low, but can the supermarket operator’s business enjoy continued success?...
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By The Smart Investor
The Smart Investor is co-founded by David Kuo, Joanna Sng, and Chin Hui Leong. The company was formed in late 2019 from the ashes of the Motley Fool Singapore. The Smart Investor believes that everybody can learn how to invest, smartly. We aim to educate people on how to invest smartly by providing investing education, stock commentary and market coverage for Singapore and around the world.

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