2Q 2024 passive income: Steady boat.
By A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor (ASSI)  •  July 1, 2024
This month is going to be a very busy one for me. I recently shared this with my YouTube community and if you are wondering how to be a part of it, here is the link: So, before I get too busy, I decided that I should get this quarterly update out pronto. Many hobbies and not enough time. I suppose this is how retirement should be like. Doing things not because we have to and not because we depend on them to make a living. I mean if I were churning out blogs and YouTube videos daily because I need the money, it isn't retirement or at least it isn't a retirement I would want. Oops. I have to step on the brakes or this would be turn into a blog about F.I.R.E. instead. Before I go off track, how much passive income did my portfolio generate for me in 2Q 2024? $81,339.05 This is more or less the same...
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By A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor (ASSI)
Have a more secure financial future in an uncertain world by creating a stream of reliable passive income with high yields.

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