Personal Finance
Cory Diary : Family Expenses 1H24
By CoryLogics  •  July 5, 2024
Have done a few blog on Expenses. Another half year has passed, and I am excited to table another review on how we progress in escalating expense containment. We have some discussion on why out expenses keep growing and it will good on how we progress after 6 months. As table shown, it appears we have managed to stop the problem. 1% expense increase for 1H24 compared to 2H23. This is on the back of additional Travel and Private Tuition Fee. There is a special bill exception that we allocated to 2H23 and 1H24 instead of amortizing across say 5 years. Even if this is considered in the last two halves, the expenses look ok. Can safely say our expense range between $9.6k to 10.6k range. Do note as in previous article, partner supported probably additional 15% expense. This work out to 132k annual expense. Interestingly we do not feel we have lavish lifestyle....
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By CoryLogics
I am not an investment adviser. Nothing herein my blog constitutes investment advice. Is my personal believes that not everyone has to go through the hard way. This blog also serve a purpose to help me record my understanding and personal learning growth. I sincerely welcome all comments.

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