Ultimate Scorecard Will Have A Revamp!
This follows my previous post on back-testing.
Ever since I started back-testing and read this article, I kept thinking about how I could further improve Ultimate Scorecard.
Some of the improvements I feel that Ultimate Scorecard should achieve:
– Too many choices may not be able to give the users the best choices
– Different combination of criteria may not result in the best choices
Furthermore, for such a year like 2018, the probability of choosing a company that will make a gain, after keeping for at least 4 months, has dropped very low to below 50%.
In addition, I believe the timeline to keep the companies has rise from 4 months to more than 1 year.
Imagine you bought the company on Dec 2017, there is a high probability you are still “out of money” after keeping for almost 1 year.
So how do I intend improve Ultimate …