The 4 ILP charges that reduce your returns
By Akhiat  •  June 29, 2008
By: Adrian Khiat Over the years, I had encountered many clients who had purchased regular premium ILPs. Just the last 7 days alone, I had met 3 and they had something in common during the meeting. All of them were surprised when I revealed the charges to them. I was equally surprised when I get to know that one of them is a regular investor with Fundsupermart. 2 purchased the Prulink from Prudential and 1 purchased the Maxlink from GE. It remains a mystery to me as of how the advisers managed to sell the policy without explaining the charges involved. I like to share with you what are the things to look out for in a regular premium ILP. 1) Premium Allocation This is the most crucial of all!!! This section forms the largest bulk of the charges. It will specify how much of your yearly premium will be allocated for investment in the first few years. Read more...
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By Akhiat
Adrian entered the Financial Advisory Industry in Feb'03 after years in the Shipping and Logistics Arena. He joined the industry with a strong belief that the public need better advice in their financial plan. "It is a big challenge to me till today because I am not a natural Sales Person. However I want to remove public's perception that Financial Adviser are all Salespeople. It is a professional job that deserve more respect. I want to impart my methodology, skills and knowledge to help you improve your Financial Health and to share health tips to improve your Physical Health."

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