XIRR is really simple to use!
By Create Wealth Through Long-Term Investing and Short-Term Trading  •  August 2, 2011
Read? How are you measuring up with your investment return? (2) Read? Have you started using CAGR or XIRR to measure your portfolio performance? You just need to seperate into two different worksheets in your MS Excel file for 1) detailed recording of transactions and tracking of portfolio and 2) measuring of portfolio performance and returns on capital using XIRR. Here are snapshots of examples: Portfolio Tracking
Sometime, two steps are simpler than one step for all. Believe it or not.
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By Create Wealth Through Long-Term Investing and Short-Term Trading
I am 62 yrs old uncle living in HDB heartland who has achieved financial independence @ 56 and finally retired @ 60 from full-time job as employee on 1 Oct 2016. Single household income since 1995 with three children. Eldest son and daughter are now working and youngest son still in his 3nd year Uni in SUTD. I have been doing long-term investing and short-term trading in Singapore stock market only since Jan 2000 so I am that Panda or Koala in the investment world; but I am still surviving well in the wild. I am now executing my Three Taps solution model to maintain sustainable retirement income for life till 2038. Cheers!

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