The day REITs and Dividend Stocks get slaughtered
By Investment Moats  •  May 23, 2013

The day REITs and Dividend Stocks get slaughtered 1nNbeYE

It is not everyday that my Dividend Stock Tracker, tracking popular Singapore High Yielding Stocks showed severe negative prices.

And that includes my experience in 2007-2008.

There would always be some stocks that are positive or no change. This is unprecedented.

While we do not know the main reason, Japan 10 year bond yields edge above 1%. That psychological point could mean that higher borrowing costs are coming in the near future.

As a result the carry trade (which I thought was pretty dead) hit a snag.

Here are some charts of drastic price drawdowns:

Aims Amp Industrial Capital

The day REITs and Dividend Stocks get slaughtered nLQHhPa

While volume is not as high as the rest, it is still startling to see a 1 day 5% drop in a long time. My recent hypothesis is that this rally have all been a case of yield compression.

Hot money search for higher yields at higher risk assets.

This ...

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By Investment Moats
Investment Moats is set up by Kyith Ng and have been around since 2005. He aims to share his experiences making sense of money, how money works and ways to grow his money. It hopes that by sharing his experiences, both good and bad, season investors can advice and critique his decisions and new investors can learn from them and find their own style ...

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