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By Financial Horse  •  December 8, 2018

I still remember what happened on 17 October 2018. That morning, I woke up with bleary eyes, much like I do every morning, and checked the performance of the US markets overnight. It was uneventful. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something unusual. It was an email from my hosting provider. Intrigued, I opened it, and in an instant I was fully awake. had been hacked, and the hosting provider had taken it down. I leapt out of bed, and promptly spent most of the morning trying to remedy the issue. I spoke to tech support from the hosting provider. I spent much time trying to find a work around with the backend coding. I eventually decided that this was a problem that warranted professional support and I made the decision to invest in an upgraded suite of software to prevent such issues in the

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By Financial Horse
Financial Horse was founded with a simple goal – To provide high quality financial commentary, in plain English. He is a firm believer in Einstein’s quote that “If you can’t explain it to six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Too much of finance is shrouded in complex jargon, and Financial Horse aims to demystify financial investments.

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