Personal Finance
How Much Does it Cost for Millennial Families to Raise a Child?
By ValueChampion  •  May 1, 2019

The decision not to have kids is becoming more prevalent, with Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, the United States and a handful of European countries seeing a decline in family size over the past decade. The reasons for not having a child are plenty. Whether it is struggling to find financial stability or placing greater priority on career growth, there are a myriad of reasons why people forego having children. However, the most underlying theme for all of these reasons is money. Having a child is expensive anywhere, but it can be especially costly in cities like Singapore. So how much does it actually cost to raise a child in Singapore? We break down the expenses below.

Pregnancy & Healthcare Costs

Spending money on a child starts before they're even born, as it is imperative for mothers to ensure the wellbeing of their future baby. Taking maternity exercise classes to

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By ValueChampion
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