Personal Finance
ValueChampion Student Interview Series: You Duen Cheng, SMU
By ValueChampion  •  January 21, 2020

You Duen Cheng graduated from SMU in 2019 with a Bachelor of Laws degree. Given his success st SMU, his story may be both inspirational and informative for aspiring law students in Singapore.

What influenced you to pursue your degree? What excites you intellectually?

I chose to read law as I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of law as a set of rules that guide social behaviour, distinguishing between right and wrong. I was always curious about what made some actions lawful while other actions not. More specifically, I was particularly interested in the justifications behind controversial laws, and what better way to further understand these issues than to pursue a degree in law?

Did you consider any other schools? If so, why did you ultimately choose SMU?

I was offered a place to read law at King's College London, University College London, as well as Queen Mary

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By ValueChampion
We distill sprawling marketplaces—for insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, and more—down to choices that represent a sweet spot for value—as in offering the features, returns, or experience we think you need for the smallest outlay. We ask: Is the return on a particular purchase or decision worth the cost or risk of that option, and how does the choice stack up against other options?

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