At the time of writing, ESR-REIT‘s (SGX: J91U) share price (technically known as unit price for REITs) is at S$0.51.
According to Seedly’s REITs tool, at that unit price, ESR-REIT is valued at a price-to-book (PB) ratio of 1.2 and a tasty distribution yield of 7.9%.
Is ESR-REIT a good buy at its current price and valuation?
Let’s find out using my 10-step guide to pick the best Singapore REITs.
As a summary, here are the 10 steps I use to pick the best Singapore REITs:
Growth in Gross Revenue and Net Property Income Growth in Distribution Per Unit Property Yield of Between 5% and 9% Gearing Ratio of Below 40% Interest Coverage Ratio of Above 5x Healthy Portfolio Occupancy Rate Positive Rental Reversions Presence of Growth Prospects Acceptable Price-to-Book Ratio Distribution Yield of Above 5% Business BackgroundESR-REIT has been listed on the Singapore stock market since 25