Review: DBS Invest-Saver and Nikko AM STI ETF – Clock Invest Category for Your Multiplier Account, Invest Monthly in Singapore’s Economy
By Sethisfy  •  April 11, 2020

I usually warn people not to buy investment or insurance products from banks. For the mass majority of normal, working adults, a good rule of thumb to remember is never get any financial products from aside from savings accounts and credit cards. Not without prior research at least.

DBS Invest-Saver is a rare exception to this rule, and I think it would find its place in most young adults’ investment portfolio, especially if you have no idea where to start.

How does it work?

DBS Invest-Saver allows you to pick up to four Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) to invest in, as well as a range of unit trusts sold by DBS. You can start from as low as $100 per month, and increase it in multiples of $100.

When you invest in such funds, your money is pooled together with other investors and the money is used to

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By Sethisfy
As an adult, I’ve been through many ups and downs in my career path and personal finance journey, not unlike many Singaporeans. From my years as a tied insurance agent turned independent financial adviser, I realised that there are very few sources of proper, unbiased financial advice for working adults to access. Worse, self-styled “financial consultants” are selling products like savings plans and ILPs to the detriment of the clients whose interests they were supposed to serve.

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