Changing Of Strategy After Outperformance of US Stocks
By Investing Beanstock  •  September 14, 2020
The past few weeks has been a roller coaster ride for the stock market. We saw the market hitting all time highs at the end of August and then a panic selloff which resulted in a market correction. The stock market is irrational and those who cannot control their emotions will lose out and fear investing for a long time.

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Is this a bubble bursting? Or is it just a healthy retracement of the stock market? No one knows. Instead of guessing what is the outcome (which is really pointless), just stay invested and avoid using your emotions to try and time the market, because you will fail 99.9% of the time if you do so. Regardless, during the August bull run, I took profits and cut some losses of my Singapore positions such as DBS and Singtel based on my own due diligence. I was...
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By Investing Beanstock
Investing Beanstock incepted as a platform for me to share my knowledge on investing and personal finance. As investing is a long term process, just like planting a bean, it takes time and effort before it can grow exponentially and be rewarded like Jack (and the beanstalk).

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