What Do The Red And Green Bars In A Stock Chart Mean?
By Financially Independent Pharmacist  •  January 30, 2021

Last updated on June 6th, 2021

If you have looked at the price of any stock or ETF, you may have seen that the charts have some bars at the bottom.
Yahoo Finance Stock ChartSource: Yahoo Finance
What do these bars mean and represent? Here’s what you’ll need to know:

What are the red and green volume bars in a stock chart?

The red and green colours on the volume bars represent how the stock’s price has performed relative to the previous period. If the price is higher, the bar will be green. If the price is lower, the bar will be red. Here is a more in-depth explanation below:

The volume bar will be green if the current close price is greater than the previous bar

If the closing price of the current bar is higher than that of the previous bar, the volume bar will be green...
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By Financially Independent Pharmacist
I’m a current Pharmacy undergraduate in NUS who is passionate about personal finance. I strongly advocate everyone to become more financially literate. Personal finance is such an important skill, yet it is not being taught in schools.

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