Letter to Batch 20 of the Early Retirement Masterclass
By Growing your tree of prosperity  •  May 22, 2021

Dear Students of Batch 20,

It’s been a great honour and privilege to be able to conduct a 2-Day Early Retirement Workshop for you.

This class may have been the most challenging class to teach, thanks to the pandemic restrictions which came into existence just a week ago. Initially, there are no restrictions to conduct a face to face class. Still, regulations disallow the serving of bento boxes in classrooms, so I had to scramble to create a half-day course focused on portfolio creation for Batch 20. On top of these restrictions,  I was trying to juggle software demos and updating spreadsheets over Zoom, which is not something I look forward to doing again.

Nevertheless, we could have a better program with more class participation thanks to allowing alumni to participate in a Refresher class for a token fee. This improvement will not be felt until we meet face to face in July or August

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By Growing your tree of prosperity
I have recently completed my Juris Doctor and I am waiting to be called by the Singapore Bar. For the past 15 years I was an IT manager and I have worked in multinationals, financial exchanges, trade unions and even a government agency. I started my career as an AS/400 administrator and moved on to manage IT projects and operations

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