Personal Finance
5 HR Tech Trends That Are Game Changers For Small Businesses
By ValueChampion  •  June 25, 2021
Emerging HR technology has transformed the way that we hire and retain talent. The pandemic has brought to light the importance of mental health awareness and how it can impact the workplace. Additionally, we’ve seen the rise of recruitment chatbots and AI-powered software for HR professionals. As a growing startup, should you consider implementing these HR tools? Keep reading to see how these trends could impact the bottom line and ultimately, be game changers for your business. 1. Remote Teams and Project Management Software The biggest monthly expense for most startups is their office rent. Regardless of whether your team works in a shophouse or in a coworking space - rent in Singapore is undeniably steep. As many of us continue to work from home, paying office rent can be a drain on the monthly budget. However, there’s a window of opportunity in moving more towards a virtual office. Instead...
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By ValueChampion
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