Why I want to achieve financial independence | Short update on portfolio
By Singaporean Talks Money  •  August 1, 2021
Hi, welcome back to another episode of SingaporeanTalksMoney, before we get into the topic today, let's talk about cryptocurrencies and the stock market. So Bitcoin has been recovering slowly from the low $30,000 but still far from it's high of $60,000, my DCA every month has proved to be a good move so far. I will be lowering my DCA amount and focusing it more on Ether instead. In terms of my stocks portfolio, I sold off Nikko AM STI ETF and added to the funds into Tesla and AMD. So far, both looks ok. All right, just a rough overview, will get more in-depth in end of Q3 review, the market is very volatile so we really don't know how it will be looking like in a few months time. Let's move on to today's topic. Everyday, I wake up, get ready and wash up. Then move into...
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By Singaporean Talks Money
I am currently a 23 year old university student in SIM. I hope to be able to grow my money and see the power of compound interest. I became interested in investing when I took a gap year and worked full-time. I realized that by just saving, it was very difficult to achieve my financial goals hence i read up on investing.

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