Why is it not easy to invest in the long run?
By Wealthdojo  •  October 19, 2021
In the most recent webinar that I conducted, I asked the participants what are they concerned about when it comes to investing in the long run? I thought that most people’s answer would the lack of time or the inexperience in the market. It turns out that for most people, they are not too sure if they are doing it right. Why is it not easy to invest in the long run If you think about it using a proxy, it is like a person driving on the roads but unsure if they driving properly. If this is not risky, I don’t know what is. The Why Fear Of Missing Out FOMO < div id="attachment_2151" class="wp-caption aligncenter">

Fear Of Missing Out FOMO

As we get more plugged into the internet, social news gets spread very quickly. With more people getting stuck at home during the COVID-19 period, we log in more to these social platforms to keep updated on the world around us....
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By Wealthdojo
He used to shy away from crowds and presentations because he was always afraid of making mistakes on stage, saying the wrong thing and boring the audience. Until one day, one of his friends said this that changed his entire life.”Thanks for your sharing last week

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