Getting to generate cash flow and building that up for retirement | Syfe REIT+ or Endowus Income Portfolio?
By Singaporean Talks Money  •  July 31, 2022
I have been thinking a lot about my stock purchases in this bear market on how I want my portfolio to be, I have been learning as I see how my portfolio performs in a downturn versus when there was a bull market. It was great when it was a bull market as ATH were hit and the numbers just look amazing but in a market downturn, you start to have a lot of thoughts and might even doubt why you started. If you read on why I started investing, it was to build up a portfolio that can provide me with cash flow as my capital builds up. As time passed, I saw that US stocks and crypto can provide me a better return on my capital and especially so when I am relatively young and have a longer runway. However when 2022 hit and prices nosedived (where...
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By Singaporean Talks Money
I am currently a 23 year old university student in SIM. I hope to be able to grow my money and see the power of compound interest. I became interested in investing when I took a gap year and worked full-time. I realized that by just saving, it was very difficult to achieve my financial goals hence i read up on investing.

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