Investing In A Market Crash with @Dr Wealth | Alvin Chow
By Kelvin Learns Investing  •  November 13, 2022
0:00 - Intro 0:20 - Who is Dr Wealth? 1:02 - How is Alvin’s portfolio doing now? 1:36 - How does Alvin’s portfolio look like? 3:01 - How many % of Alvin’s portfolio is in China stocks? 4:03 - Why will China stocks go back up? 9:36 - Where is the market bottom? 12:34 - How is Alvin investing in the current market? 14:02 - What does Alvin think of my 80% Tesla portfolio? 15:14 - How does Alvin dollar cost average? 16:38 - How to profit in this current market? 20:14 - How would Alvin invest $10M? 21:15 - How should investors invest in this current market? None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice. It's for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites....
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By Kelvin Learns Investing
Hey! Kelvin here! I talk about money related stuff like investing, credit cards, how to save money to retire early!

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