Investing is Easy
By Early Retirement SG  •  November 23, 2022
There's really only 1 thing to know about investing right? Buy low, Sell high. That's it. Simple right? Now, everyone can do it. The thing is... the concept is easy. Doing it, isn't. I have a friend who wanted to get into investing around a year back in 2021. Everyone was making money. Crypto, S&P, ARKK, etc... So my friend asked for advice, etc etc. Now, in 2021, markets were getting toppish. I didn't really want to tell my friend to start in 2021. But I also know my friend's character. If don't start now, then probably won't ever start. So I said to pretty much buy some index tracker, and a REIT ETF, and do a monthly DCA and forget about it, and maybe 10-20 years later, the investment would probably grow. (I am not making any recommendations to any readers on what to buy. Each one has their own objectives. This is just a specific example based on a situation which I have...
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By Early Retirement SG
Male, born in 1982. Graduated with a degree majoring in Banking & Finance, Financial Adviser for a period of time resulting in in-depth knowledge of insurance products and marketing techniques of the industry ...

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