Glendale Park May 2023 Update
By Scg8866t Stockinvesting  •  May 20, 2023
Tenancy agreement signed, spent $800 to replace the original defective hob. Besides that no other repairs before the 2 years tenancy starts. Its a 3 burner hob from Mayer with a 2 years guarantee. Month of April 2023, rental range for 2 bedroom is 3.5k to 4.5k. I am guessing there is a premium to fully furnished or complete renovated units compared to unfurnished original condition ones. The majority of transactions though is still at the high 3k range. For the month of May 2023, another all time high transacted psf done at S$1,628. If we base on this price as the current benchmark. Means ytd Glendale has increased from $1,562 psf(price from end of last year) to current S$1,628 which is a 4.22% increase ytd. Since inception(2019) in terms of capital appreciation basing on our purchase price of S$1,147 psf total capital gain is S$496,873 which is around 42% gain....
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By Scg8866t Stockinvesting
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