The way Jeremy and I see it, artificial intelligence (AI) really leapt into the zeitgeist in late-2022 or early-2023 with the public introduction of DALL-E2 and ChatGPT. Both are provided by OpenAI and are known as generative AI products – they are software that use AI to generate art and text, respectively (and often at astounding quality), hence the term “generative”. Since then, developments in AI have progressed at a breathtaking pace. One striking observation I’ve found with AI is the much higher level of enthusiasm that company-leaders have for the technology compared to the two other recent “hot things”, namely, blockchain/cryptocurrencies and the metaverse. Put another way, AI could be a real game changer for societies and economies.
I thought it would be useful to write down some of my current thoughts on AI and its potential impact. Putting pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard) helps me make sense of what’s in my mind....