Personal Finance
How to Achieve FIRE With the DINK Lifestyle in Singapore
By ValueChampion  •  July 24, 2023
For more than a while now, there’s been an increasing awareness and desire to break free from the demands of the modern capitalist economy, where hard work and long hours are demanded in exchange for a chance at a decent salary. The popular premise is that if you want a good life, you must work hard to earn more money, so you can then buy the things you want. But – as more and more people are realising – that premise is flawed; money can only bring you so far, and a meaningful life cannot be attained simply by buying material things. What has resulted, then, is this growing personal finance movement you may have heard of – FIRE, or “financial independence, retire early”. And then, there’s also DINK – “double income, no kids” – where a couple forgo having children and instead focus on working and earning an income. DINK has also been gaining traction, judging by the continued low birth rate among Singaporeans....
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By ValueChampion
We distill sprawling marketplaces—for insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, and more—down to choices that represent a sweet spot for value—as in offering the features, returns, or experience we think you need for the smallest outlay. We ask: Is the return on a particular purchase or decision worth the cost or risk of that option, and how does the choice stack up against other options?

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