Saving & Spending
Cost Comparison: Regular-Use vs Off-Peak Cars – How Much Can You Save with the Latter?
By ValueChampion  •  July 25, 2023
With prices of COEs hovering around the six-figure range and no signs of relief in sight, you may be wondering if there’s any way to lower the cost of owning a car in Singapore. The short answer is: yes, there is, but only if you plan to drive during weekends and public holidays, and after 7pm on weekdays. This is, of course, possible if you register your vehicle as an off-peak car. But in exchange for restricted driving hours, how much can you save on car ownership, and is it worth it? What is the Off-Peak Car Scheme? The off-peak car scheme isn’t exactly new, having been first introduced in 1991 as the Weekend Car Scheme (WCS). This was revamped into the Off-Peak Car (OPC) scheme in 1994, and the Revised Off-Peak Car (ROPC) scheme in 2010. At present, new vehicles can only be registered – and older vehicles, converted – under ROPC, so that’s what we’ll be focusing on in this article....
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By ValueChampion
We distill sprawling marketplaces—for insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, and more—down to choices that represent a sweet spot for value—as in offering the features, returns, or experience we think you need for the smallest outlay. We ask: Is the return on a particular purchase or decision worth the cost or risk of that option, and how does the choice stack up against other options?

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