Yup, rental flat. As in, renting directly from HDB, not from the open market. Many people don’t know that there are 2 types of HDB Rental Flat. The first one is Public Rental Scheme which is meant for lower-income Singapore Citizen households with no housing options or family support. The second one is Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS), which is a temporary housing option for first-timer married couples awaiting completion of the HDB flat they booked. This is the scheme that applies to us as we are awaiting for our BTO flat. HDB rental flats are not for everyone. Some of these flats are located in very old buildings (some blocks do not have lift at all!), and other flats are in newer buildings but they have smaller sizes than older units (these are in high demand and always get snapped up quickly). Furthermore, the rental flats come in...