The Calm in the Storm: How Stoicism Can Make Us a Better Investor
By Live Rich Life Free  •  February 11, 2024
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that emphasizes the importance of reason and self-control. It teaches that happiness comes from accepting what you cannot control and focusing on what you can.

These principles can be very helpful for investors, who often face volatile markets and uncertain outcomes. Let me share some key stoic practices that can be applied to investing:

Focus on what we can control: This means focusing on our investment strategy, asset allocation, and risk management. We cannot control the market, but we can control your own decisions and certainly not let emotions rule over our mind.

We should design and develop a well-researched and diversified portfolio aligned with our risk tolerance and financial goals. This includes choosing appropriate asset classes, understanding their historical performance, and rebalancing regularly. Decide how to distribute your investments across different assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash. Consider their volatility, potential returns, and correlation to each other to manage risk.

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By Live Rich Life Free
The purpose of this blog is for me to share my reinventions of how life should be lived and journal my journey towards financial independence. I believe that life is a story book. Each chapter contains 10 years of our lives. I am moving on towards mid 30s in 2021. As a nobody but somebody, I am in Chapter 4 of my story book. I hope to influence my philosophy of living a rich life freely and healthily with all of you. Embrace the future and empower freedom!

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