Dividend Investing Singapore (Complete Guide)
By  •  March 1, 2024
Dividend investing is just amazing, and as a investor myself, I really like to invest in dividend paying stocks. Here we will look at some of the information you may want to know when investing in Singapore for dividends. What is Dividend Investing In Singapore? Dividend investing is a form of investing strategy where investment is focused on gaining and growing dividend income from your investment in securities. Dividend distribution can come from investing in dividend paying stocks which are usually blue chip stocks, dividend paying ETFs, or REITs (S-REITs). These dividend are generally excess earnings the company made that are distributed to its shareholders. Types of Dividend in Singapore Here back in Singapore, dividends are classified as final or interim dividends.
  • Final dividends are declared at a company’s annual general meeting following the end of a financial year, based on the full year’s profits.
  • Interim dividends are distributed before a company’s annual earnings are finalized.
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