What, Me Worry?
By The Bedokian Portfolio  •  April 21, 2024
The phrase above came from none other than Alfred E. Neuman. In case you did not know this person, he was neither a famous investor nor a historical figure; he is a fictional character created by the now-defunct Mad Magazine, which for those who remembered, was a series of parody-laden illustrated magazines that would tickle your mind. The significance of the phrase is obvious: the United States (US) and local markets, where most Singaporean investors were vested at, took a heavy beating over the last couple of weeks. Delayed interest rate cuts, drones and missiles flying everywhere, and a slew of other happenings big and small had provided enough bad-news juice to bring the markets down. With all these, do they warrant enough worrying on your end? Not really for us. This is, to quote a department store’s motto: “the sale worth waiting for is now on!”. I had said in my previous...
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By The Bedokian Portfolio
My first encounter with the financial markets started in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Global Financial Crisis. Before this, I had no notion of what investment and trading were, although I had learned about economics, business management and accounting back in my university studies. I was a trader when I first started, albeit an amateurish one, and trading was just a side hobby of mine ...

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