3 Insights From Almost A Year of Silence
By Loopholes Singapore  •  May 5, 2024
So in the past year, I realized that things do not always make sense or in a more general way, follow a logical train of thought. Why is that so, it is not because people are not educated or they are overall greedy or fearful. The world is just basically a mix of emotions and physics. Firstly, emotions are just part and parcel of the human experience, they overcome human logic as and when they come into the picture. Secondly, everything at every time is constantly trying to balance itself out not because we want it to but because it simply happens with or without conscious actors. In this post, I want to talk about how these two factors determine almost every outcome in the world and how understanding them can help us navigate many challenges in our lives Not everything happens in the majority’s best interest Stop thinking that the world full of nice people...
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By Loopholes Singapore

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