Personal Finance
Insurance Basics for Beginners: How to Avoid Being Overinsured and Underinsured
By Seedly  •  May 16, 2024

You’ve probably heard the term ‘underinsurance’ tossed around before. But what does it actually mean – and how do you know if you’re underinsured or overinsured?

When it comes to insurance, getting the coverage ‘just right’ can feel a bit like trying to hit a moving target.

But finding the insurance sweet spot isn’t impossible.

Let’s walk through the basics of ensuring you have the right level of coverage. Whether you’re reviewing your first insurance policy or a seasoned pro, you’re sure to pick up helpful tips to ensure your coverage is just right.

TL;DR: Insurance Basics 101 to Avoid Under and Over Insurance

What’s covered in the article:
  • What is underinsured and overinsured?
  • How do you calculate your insurance needs?
  • How do we...
  • Read the full article
    By Seedly
    Launched in 2016, Seedly helps users make smarter financial decisions with its budgeting app which allows its 40,000 users to sync up their financial accounts and better manage their cash-flow. Last year, we introduced a new community feature which allows users to crowdsource knowledge from peers before making a financial decision.

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