Shares & Derivatives
Netlink Trust 6.13% Distribution Yield Unsustainable and Ballooning Accumulated Losses of -S$617Mil.
By Investment Income for Life  •  May 22, 2024
I was looking through the FY2024 results of Netlink Trust ending 31 March 2024. It was shocking to see that once again, it is still paying out excessive distributions. Its accumulated losses ballooned to <-S$617Mil> as at 31 March 2024. Apparently since this is a "Business Trust", it is thus "ok". Today, I will be sharing my thoughts on the latest results in the following video and the key risk to take note if one were to invest in Netlink Trust. Please see below for my latest video on YouTube channel. Going forward, I will be posting various exclusive investment contents onto my YouTube channel only. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel also to get the latest content for sharing. ...
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By Investment Income for Life
I am an Accountant by training and is currently working in a global MNC in the Supply Chain industry. During my free time, I enjoy reading up on topics such as stock investing, insurance planning and property investment. Since 2012, I have started penning down my thoughts on certain financial matters while striving to achieve financial independence.

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