Ethereum ETFs – The Surprise Approval
By Turtle Investor  •  May 27, 2024
The SEC’s approval of Ethereum ETFs has sent shockwaves through the crypto world, sparking a rapid rise in the price of Ethereum and setting the stage for a transformative shift in crypto investments. The unexpected approval means these funds might start trading as early as June or July this year. Read about the unexpected political manoeuvres and market shifts that led to the swift approval of Ethereum ETFs and why this could reshape the crypto investment landscape. Rock-bottom Sentiment For Ethereum Just weeks ago, the sentiment surrounding the approval of ETH ETFs was at an all-time low. With days away from the 23 May 2024, issuers have been met with radio silence from the SEC who refused to engage with them. Suddenly, the game changed. On 20 May 2024, the SEC asked issuers to update their 19b-4 filings accelerated. The price of Ethereum climbed 20% in hours, adding $70 billion to its market cap. VanEck calls it “one of the biggest regulatory 180s in...
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By Turtle Investor
Hello there! I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment. I continue to be gainfully employed to build up my portfolio and provide my loved ones with better lives. Leaving everything behind and transitioning to a digital nomad life in Bali remains an option but not something that I’m actively pursuing now 🙂

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