How An Old Landed Home Was Given A Charming Colonial Makeover With A “Harry Potter” Library
By Stacked Homes  •  May 28, 2024
Colonial homes hold a special allure in Singapore, evoking a sense of history and timeless elegance. These architectural gems, often characterised by black-and-white bungalows, were originally built for British expatriates in the early 20th century. Their distinct style combines elements of Victorian and tropical architecture, featuring high ceilings, large verandas, and shuttered windows that allow for natural ventilation and light. Inspired by this, one homeowner embarked on a renovation journey to create a space that’s not only stylish but deeply personal. Drawing from her diverse background, she transformed her semi-detached house into a unique reflection of her identity. With an impressive 98% of its interior remodelled, this home strikes a balance that’s both visually stunning and inviting. To uncover the secrets behind this transformation, we chatted with the creative minds at Rubiks Studio, who led this ambitious project....
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By Stacked Homes
The Stacked Homes editorial began in February 2017 to provide the latest news and analysis on property in Singapore.

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