Personal Finance
Kindergarten Fee Assistance Scheme (KiFAS): 101 Guide
By Singapore Financial Planners  •  May 28, 2024
Navigating the costs of early childhood education can be daunting, but the Kindergarten Fee Assistance Scheme (KiFAS) is here to help. If you’re wondering how to make kindergarten affordable, you’re in the right place. In this post, you’ll learn:
  • What KiFAS is and who is eligible
  • How much financial assistance you can receive
  • The application and reassessment process
  • Special provisions for non-parent caregivers and special assistance programs
Did you know that, due to financial constraints, many children might miss out on essential early education without schemes like KiFAS? Stick around to discover how KiFAS can lighten your financial load and secure a better start for your child. Let’s dive in and make early education accessible for your family! What is the Kindergarten Assistance Scheme (KiFAS)? The Kindergarten Fee Assistance Scheme (KiFAS) is designed to make kindergarten programs more affordable for children from low and middle-income households....
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By Singapore Financial Planners
We believe in the power of financial literacy. It’s unfortunate that schools do not provide crucial life lessons like financial planning. Thus, we created Singapore Financial Planners to create a space where we provide financial education so that you can make an informed decision.

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