Personal Finance
Civil Service Vs Private Sector: Which Is Better?
By Seedly  •  May 30, 2024
rachel getting a job friends giphy Source: Giphy If you’re a fan of the TV series “Friends,” you’ll remember Rachel Green’s journey from waitress at Central Perk to pursuing her dreams in the fashion industry. Like many of us, Rachel initially took on the job to make ends meet, showcasing the reality that sometimes we work just for the paycheck. As the show progressed, we saw her determination to follow her passion for fashion, highlighting the delicate balance between practicality and pursuing one’s aspirations. Rachel’s character resonated with viewers as she navigated the challenges of balancing financial stability with her career ambitions, a relatable theme for many in the real world. Why am I telling you this? I’m at a similar point in my career where my peers and I are of similar rank, earning similar salaries, climbing the corporate ladder, and transitioning into different life stages. Whenever I meet new people at work...
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By Seedly
Launched in 2016, Seedly helps users make smarter financial decisions with its budgeting app which allows its 40,000 users to sync up their financial accounts and better manage their cash-flow. Last year, we introduced a new community feature which allows users to crowdsource knowledge from peers before making a financial decision.

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