Personal Finance
The Complete Guide to CPF for Permanent Residents (2024)
By Seedly  •  June 6, 2024
welcome to singapore pirates of the caribbean Source: Pirates of the Caribbean | Tenor If you are a newly minted Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) or an employer hiring one, take note. Aside from all the perks you will enjoy as a newly minted SPR, like immigration and job stability and access to low-cost education and housing, you will get access to the Central Provident Fund (CPF). Although you may feel the pinch of a lower take-home pay due to mandatory CPF contributions, you will actually be better off monetarily. Why you may ask? Read on to learn more about CPF fundamentals, contributions rates and more.

TL;DR: Comprehensive Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) CPF Guide

060624 pr cpf contribution guide

What CPF is for?

CPF is a social security system in Singapore managed by the CPF board.

Why Do We Have CPF?

According to a study on the financial planning attitudes of Singaporeans, about three out of ten, aged between...
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By Seedly
Launched in 2016, Seedly helps users make smarter financial decisions with its budgeting app which allows its 40,000 users to sync up their financial accounts and better manage their cash-flow. Last year, we introduced a new community feature which allows users to crowdsource knowledge from peers before making a financial decision.

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